Graham Street Productions in partnership with Film Action Oregon produced a documentary, Papers, which explores the lives of undocumented students. Papers gives students the opportunity to tell their stories and their struggle through the applications processes to higher education institutions.
A powerful quote from the movie shows immigrant youth from various ethnic backgrounds saying,
"I would tell you the story myself, if I could. But, if I do, I risk being arrested, detained and deported. To a country I cant even remember."
Director of Papers and a student from the film, Walter Lara, recently appeared on CNN with Rick Sanchez to talk about the film and the purpose of it. It is a sad fact that every year 65,000 undocumnted students graduate from High School without a future.
Let's work together to change their futures. Contact your representatives and senators and let them know how vital the DREAM Act is for our youth. Today they are our future. Tomorrow, they are our hope.